3 Steps to Track Google Analytics Source for Pardot Forms

Do you have any issues with Google Analytics source tracking when using Pardot forms?

One of our clients, James & James, found that Pardot redirects within forms were skewing Google Analytics source data. Well done to Elisha and Luke who, with persistence, skill, and some help from Pardot support, found a way to resolve the issue.

Thank you Luke and Elisha for generously sharing this solution!

3 Steps to Track Google Analytics Source for Pardot Form Completion

  1. Add the Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics ‘Global site tag’ codes that you use on your main website to the HTML of the Pardot form template
  2. Update the ‘Google Analytics settings’ variable in GTM to allow cross-domain tracking across ecommercefulfilment.com and go.pardot.com
  3. Add go.pardot.com to the ‘Referral Exclusion List’ in Google Analytics

There you have it.

Your Google Analytics source should accurately track across Pardot forms!

Thank you James & James  🙂

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